LEP (Learning Enhancement Program)
After School Homework Support / Math support
We look forward to working with your child! Every effort is made to provide students a positive learning experience and to help them become independent learners.
Location: ͵ÅÄйÃÜ Learning Commons
Program Goals
Homework Support
- Instructors provide assistance in understanding instructions & in homework completion
- Help students complete as much homework or missing assignments as possible thus allowing more time for leisure activitiesÌý
- Enhance students’ study & organizational skills to progress as independent learners, encourage work ethics & responsibilityÌý Ìý
- Encourage students to discover their own answers to questions by embracing the trial & error process thereby improving their problem solving skills
- Help students improve their time management through encouragement & directives
- Expectations: students are asked to check and keep up with their assignments by checking Skyward and Moodle so that LEP time is used constructively.Ìý Students are expected to respect their peers & instructors so that the time can be used constructively
Math Support
- Instructors provide math assistance in understanding concepts & in math homework completion
- Help student return home with as much math homework completed as possible thus allowing more time for leisure activitiesÌý Ìý
- Encourage students to discover their own answers to math questions by embracing the trial & error process thereby improving their problem solving skills
- Expectations: students are encouraged to make an independent effort to tackle math problems and request the assistance of the instructor to proceed with their thought process
Program structure and instructors
Program Structure
- Students will be provided with a structured, quiet environment.
- Students will be responsible for keeping up with their assignments by checking both Skyward and Moodle before starting their work.
- Students will be encouraged to set daily goals for the completion of their homework.
- Students will be away from all distracting stimuli (electronics) while completing their homework.
- Students will be provided with feedback about the timely completion of their work and will be expected to communicate their questions with the instructor.
- Students will be encouraged to develop frequent communication with their classroom teachers via email and Moodle.
- LEP is not an individualized one-on-one session.
- LEP aims at helping students with questions they may have and guide them in the right direction so as to help the student complete their homework.
- LEP instructors do not complete homework for students but provide assistance in the aim of motivating students to work.
Program Instructors
The Program Instructors will provide homework support in the following ways:
- Assist students in understanding instructions if needed. If students do not understand the directions correctly, instructors will repeat them by breaking them down into step-by-step procedures.
- Identify and work on areas of weaknesses and if needed, communicate with the homeroom teacher.
- Improve students’ time management by giving them one task to complete at a time and introducing the next task, only when students have successfully completed the previous task.
- Encourage students to look at all available resources on Moodle so as to assist in the completion of work.
Log Notes
The Program Instructors will provide updates to parents via log notes that will be shared at the end of each session which provide parents with a brief description of the work covered in LEP and/or remaining work to be done at home.
- Please note that the Learning Commons reserves the right not to offer a session if the Program does not reach the minimum required number of students or if there’s no instructor.
- Students who do not have a spot will be placed on a waiting list. Parents will be notified once a spot becomes available.
Program eligibility requirements
New Students:
- Students may be recommended or required to attend the After School Homework Support Program based on their Admissions’ file and their corresponding documents from previous institutions.
- This program is open to all students who wish to receive homework assistance and guidance from an ͵ÅÄйÃÜ faculty member in a supervised setting.
Returning Students:
- Parent-initiated enrollment is an option for students who need homework assistance. Students benefit by developing and enhancing highly desirable qualities such as responsibility, perseverance, and time management.
- Students on academic probation and students who perform poorly are informed about the After School Homework Support Program and may enroll throughout the year.
- Faculty can also refer students to the Child Study Team for screening, evaluation, and possible enrollment in the After School Homework Support Program.
Session schedule
Elementary School Grades 3-5 | Homework Support | Homework Support | Homework Support | Homework Support |
Middle School & Academy Grades 6-12 | Homework Support |
Homework Support |
Days: Monday through Thursday
TIme: 16:00 - 17:30
Semester I: Monday Sept. 23, 2024 - Thursday Jan. 23, 2025
Semester II: Monday Feb. 3, 2025 - Thursday May 29, 2025
Dates of OPEN & CLOSED Sessions:
*Days in red: no LEP
SEMESTER I: Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 - Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
- September: 23, 24, 25, 26/30
- October: 1, 2, 3/7, 8, 9, 10/14, 15, 16, 17/21, 22, 23, 24/28, 29, 30, 31
- November: 4, 5, 6, 7/11, 12, 13, 14/18, 19, 20, 21/25, 26, 27, 28
- December: 2, 3, 4, 5/9, 10, 11, 12 /16, 17, 18, 19/23, 24, 25, 26/30, 31
- January: 1, 2/6, 7, 8, 9/13, 14, 15, 16/20, 21, 22, 23
SEMESTER II: Monday, Feb. 3, 2025 - Thursday, May 29, 2025
- February: 3, 4, 5, 6/10, 11, 12, 13 /17, 18, 19, 20/24, 25, 26, 27
- March: 3, 4, 5, 6/10, 11, 12, 13/17, 18, 19, 20/24, 25, 26, 27/31
- April: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10/14, 15, 16, 17/ 21, 22, 23, 24/ 28, 29, 30
- May: 1/5, 6, 7, 8/12, 13, 14, 15/19, 20, 21, 22/26, 27, 28, 29
Attention: There is no LEP on ½ days and on Elementary/Middle School/Academy parent-teacher conferences days.
Note that the Learning Commons reserves the right to merge LEP groups if a session does not reach the minimum number of students required.
In the event of an absence, we kindly ask parents/guardians to email the program’s Coordinator. This allows the instructor to start on time and prevents us from looking for students on campus.
Coordinator, Ms. Sophia Pappas at pappass@acs.gr.
# of days> enrolled per week |
Homework Support Cost /semester |
Math Support Cost /semester | |
1 | 432€ | - | |
2 | 840€ | - | |
3 | 920€ | - | |
4 | 1050€ | - | |
1 | 500€ | 520€ | |
2 | 980€ | 1030€ | |
3 | 1280€ | - | |
4 | 1500€ | - |
Payments should be made to the school's bank account no later than the end of the first week of each semester.
If enrollment does not reach the minimum number of participants required, you will be notified and your tuition will be reimbursed. Rest assured that the Learning Commons will do their best to place each student in a group.
Click here for the school bank information.
- Parents submit their enrollment request by logging into Skyward once the announcement is made for the opening of the Semester; they choose their activity.
- Admission to LEP is confirmed after it’s been processed and confirmed by the Coordinator by email: only then will the student be considered enrolled in the program.
- Skyward online registration will not be possible once the Skyward Arena has closed or if there are no more seats for your activity. Please email the Coordinator who will make every effort to accommodate your request once a seat becomes available.
- Students may join the program throughout the year provided there are available seats.
- For those who missed the registration deadline or for those who wish to join the program throughout the year, their names will be placed on a first-come, first-served basis waiting list.
- The Learning Commons cannot reserve seats or assume that a student will continue LEP onto the next semester on the basis that they attended the previous semesters.
- To continue to Semester II, parents/guardians must re-submit their interest through Skyward.
- LEP groups are mixed and vary in ages which benefits students as it promotes community building, tailored support, reduced competition and role modeling. Moreover, mixed groups provide students with an environment where they are there to focus and use their time constructively.
- Payment must be made before the designated deadline. Should payment not be made, LEP reserves the right to refuse the student from following the sessions.
- If we do not reach the minimum number of students required to open the group, it will be canceled, the parents will be notified and pre-paid fees will be reimbursed.
- If a parent has prepaid the entire session, credit will be given only if the student has not attended more than 50% of the total session.
- It is possible to enroll throughout the session. In this case, payment will be calculated on an individual basis and payment must be made before the given deadline.