The Theater at ͵й

The new website of the Theater at ͵й will be online soon!

The Theater at ͵й, constructed in 2004, is a state of the art facility that caters to a multitude of events. It includes a modern, fully-equipped 530 seat theater and exhibition area and it is staffed by qualified and experienced personnel.

The Theater at ͵й is situated in the campus of the American Community Schools of Athens (͵й) on the border of Halandri and Aghia Paraskevi, very close to the Metro station of Aghia Paraskevi.

Since 2004, the Theater at ͵й has hosted first class international and local events, such as conferences, concerts, dance performances, theater performances and more, and all of them were delivered in a professional manner by our staff members.

We urge you to explore the opportunity to visit our facility and use our space for events that your organization may hold; we will work with you to provide and deliver the best experience for your needs. To arrange a visit to our facilities or to inquire about rental availability and for all other information, please contact Ms. Varvara Voulgaraki, at, /210.6393.200 and Mr. Linos Meitanis, at / 30 210 6070300, ext. 319.


Annie Constantinides

Theater Operations

Theater @͵й / 210.6393.200, ext. 302