The Theater at ͵й
To all our friends and partners:
We hope everyone is healthy and safe!
As The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the operation of the Theater at ͵й, we remind you that according to the latest regulations, our operation is suspended and we cannot host any event or function until further notice.
Additionally, if you have arranged or scheduled an event while the Theater operation is suspended, we will have to revisit them when we resume our operation, taking into consideration the needs of the school and the operational guidelines at the time.
Please keep posted for further updates
We thank you all for your continuous patronage!
Προς όλους τους φίλους και συνεργάτες μας:
Ελπίζουμε να είστε όλοι υγιείς και ασφαλείς!
Καθώς οι πρόσφατες εξελίξεις της πανδημίας έχουν επηρεάσει και την λειτουργία του Θεάτρου στο ͵й, θα θέλαμε να σας υπενθυμίσουμε ότι βάσει Υπουργικής Απόφασης το θέατρο προσωρινά δεν λειτουργεί και δεν μπορεί να φιλοξενήσει καμία εκδήλωση.
Αντίστοιχα, όσες κρατήσεις πραγματοποιούνται όσο το θέατρο παραμένει κλειστό, θα πρέπει να εξεταστούν εκ νέου όταν το θέατρο ανοίξει ξανά, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις ανάγκες του σχολείου καθώς και τις οδηγίες για τη λειτουργία του.
Για οτιδήποτε νεότερο θα σας κρατήσουμε ενήμερους.
Σας ευχαριστούμε όλους!
The new website of the Theater at ͵й will be online soon!
The Theater at ͵й, constructed in 2004, is a state of the art facility that caters to a multitude of events. It includes a modern, fully-equipped 530 seat theater and exhibition area and it is staffed by qualified and experienced personnel.
The Theater at ͵й is situated in the campus of the American Community Schools of Athens (͵й) on the border of Halandri and Aghia Paraskevi, very close to the Metro station of Aghia Paraskevi.
Since 2004, the Theater at ͵й has hosted first class international and local events, such as conferences, concerts, dance performances, theater performances and more, and all of them were delivered in a professional manner by our staff members.
We urge you to explore the opportunity to visit our facility and use our space for events that your organization may hold; we will work with you to provide and deliver the best experience for your needs. To arrange a visit to our facilities or to inquire about rental availability and for all other information, please contact Ms. Varvara Voulgaraki, at, /210.6393.200 and Mr. Linos Meitanis, at / 30 210 6070300, ext. 319.
Annie Constantinides
Theater Operations
Theater @͵й / 210.6393.200, ext. 302