Parent/Student Handbook

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Report Card Legend

Grade Mark Description Detailed Description
1 1 Not Meeting Standard: Is Not Yet Demonstrating Expected Skills and Knowledge
2 2 Beginning to Develop: Beginning to Demonstrate Expected Skills and Knowledge
3 3 Developing as Expected: Performance Consistently Demonstrates Expected Skills/Knowledge
4 4 Exemplary: The Student's Performance is Consistently High
A Always Always
B B Beginning to Demonstrate Expected Skills and Knowledge
E E Demonstrating Skills and Knowledge as Expected
E1 E1 Did not participate, chose to not follow directions, had to be spoken to more than twice
E2 E2 Had to be spoken to more than once in a class period
E3 E3 Enters and exits safely, respects rules, equipment and others, gave their best effort
E4 E4 Same as "E3" plus supports, encourages and helps others
I Incomplete Incomplete
NA NA Not Applicable
NY NY Not Yet Demonstrating Expected Skills and Knowledge
NYE Not Yet Evident Not Yet Evident
P1 P1 Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Not Being Demonstrated
P2 P2 Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Emerging
P3 P3 Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Developing
P4 P4 Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Consistently High
S S Strongly Demonstrates Expected Skills and Knowledge Consistently
ST Sometimes Sometimes
U Usually Usually