Parent/Student Handbook
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Report Card Legend
Grade Mark | Description | Detailed Description |
1 | 1 | Not Meeting Standard: Is Not Yet Demonstrating Expected Skills and Knowledge |
2 | 2 | Beginning to Develop: Beginning to Demonstrate Expected Skills and Knowledge |
3 | 3 | Developing as Expected: Performance Consistently Demonstrates Expected Skills/Knowledge |
4 | 4 | Exemplary: The Student's Performance is Consistently High |
A | Always | Always |
B | B | Beginning to Demonstrate Expected Skills and Knowledge |
E | E | Demonstrating Skills and Knowledge as Expected |
E1 | E1 | Did not participate, chose to not follow directions, had to be spoken to more than twice |
E2 | E2 | Had to be spoken to more than once in a class period |
E3 | E3 | Enters and exits safely, respects rules, equipment and others, gave their best effort |
E4 | E4 | Same as "E3" plus supports, encourages and helps others |
I | Incomplete | Incomplete |
NA | NA | Not Applicable |
NY | NY | Not Yet Demonstrating Expected Skills and Knowledge |
NYE | Not Yet Evident | Not Yet Evident |
P1 | P1 | Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Not Being Demonstrated |
P2 | P2 | Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Emerging |
P3 | P3 | Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Developing |
P4 | P4 | Expected Skills and Knowledge Are Consistently High |
S | S | Strongly Demonstrates Expected Skills and Knowledge Consistently |
ST | Sometimes | Sometimes |
U | Usually | Usually |