School Supply list
- Scientific calculator with statistics mode for standard deviation. Other buttons it must have: xy, 1/x, and exponent-to-the-base-ten at least. Read the instruction book (do not buy a calculator before talking to your teacher);
- A4 size notebook for lab work, talk to your teacher before you buy one;
- Spiral notebooks(s) for lecture notes;
- Storage system (your choice - binder, folders, etc) for organization of accumulated handouts and worksheets. Current papers must be brought to each class meeting, (e.g. in a folder); accumulated files should be organized by topics after each test so that they are ready to review for semester exam;
- Graph paper, millimeter squares;
- Metric ruler, transparent, both for measuring and as a straight edge;
- Pencils for data collection and calculations;
- Soft pencils for biological drawing;
- Soft white erasers;
- Ballpoint pens, blue or black;
- Highlighters.
- A4 size notebook with holes for class notes;
- Binder and folders for organizing handouts, worksheets, assessments and notes;
- Loose leaf paper;
- Graph paper, millimeter squares;
- Geometry set that includes a compass, protractor and ruler;
- Writing utensils including: pencils, pens, highlighters, eraser and sharpener.
- Calculator:
- Scientific calculator: required for all 9th grade courses, Business Mathematics and Hearth of Mathematics;
- Graphic display calculator (GDC): Required for all other courses in the Academy including IB and AP courses. The CasioFX-CG50 Graphic Display Calculator will be used for class instruction in these courses. Do not buy a calculator before talking to your teacher.
Language A
- Loose leaf paper and two ring binders;
- Spiral notebook;
- Plastic sheets to fit in binder;
- White-out;
- Pens and pencils, highlighters, eraser, sharpener;
- Dictionary - American Heritage;
- Thesaurus.
Language B
- Loose leaf paper and binders with dividers;
- Spiral notebook;
- Plastic sheets to fit in binder;
- White-out;
- Pens and pencils, highlighters, eraser, pencil sharpener;
- Dictionary - According to the language the student is studying;
- USB Stick.
Humanities / Social Studies
- A4 size spiral notebook for class notes;
- Binder / folders for organizing handouts, assessments, essays and notes;
- Plastic pocket folders with holes to hold handouts in the binder;
- Loose leaf paper;
- Writing utensils, for instance: pencils, pens, highlighters, eraser and sharpener.
Physical Education
- ͵ÅÄйÃÜ P.E. uniform;
- Sneakers;
- Deodorant;
- Socks;
- Hair bands for long hair;
- Small towel (optional);
- Goggles to protect eyeglasses (optional, at own risk);
- A bag to bring clothes home & back to school.
IB Visual Arts
Although materials will be provided during lessons in the classroom, IB Visual Art students should have a variety of basic art supplies at home.
- A3 black journal (hard cover) with good quality drawing paper;
- A3 block aquarelle paper;
- A3 good drawing paper;
- Watercolor paint set;
- 8-pack or more of acrylic paints;
- Paintbrushes of various sizes (at least 5 different sizes/brush shapes);
- Soft Pencils (2B/4B/6B);
- 12-pack or more of soft colored pencils;
- Vine and Compressed charcoals;
- An eraser for pencils and one for charcoal;
- Black thin pens;
- A ruler;
Optional supplies to consider keeping at home
- Various sizes canvases;
- Oil paints;
- Oil or chalk pastels;
- A3 cutting board;
- Cutting knife;
- UHU liquid and stick glue;
- Block of tracing paper;
- Markers.
- Mechanical pencil (size 0.7);
- A protractor;
- A drawing compass;
- 2 triangular rulers (45 and 30-60 degrees);
- Thin black marker.
DSLR CAMERA with an 18-55mm lens (if it has an extra zoom lens of 55-200mm it would be great but it is not required).