Summer is the time when our school makes most of the renovation work in classrooms and offices, improve the campus appearance and overall enhance the infrastructure. I wish to convey the administration’s thanks to my colleagues in maintenance, support staff and administration departments, who with dedication, worked right through the summer months, to brought  into successful completion the following  projects:

  • Create and furnish a new First grade classroom in the Elementary building, due to record student increase in this grade.
  • Renovate our Preschool playground area and replace all playground equipment, making this area the greenest and one of the most beautiful in the campus.
  • Renovate completely all of the High school building student bathrooms.
  • Tripling the size of the school’s front yard green grass area and install an automated watering system.
  • Install a new chemical control system for the school swimming pool. This analyzer/controller, from Wallace & Tiernan, could accurately and continuously measure a number of pool water parameters and automatically maintain at all times the correct chemical balance of free chlorine and PH of the water. In addition, the twice a week cleaning and maintenance performed by the outside pool service contractor and the weekly water chemical analysis performed by an independent chemical lab,  safeguards that the water quality of our swimming pool is always maintained within the appropriate standards.     
  • Purchase and codify about 25,000 Euros worth of books for the school Libraries, a generous donation from our own Parent Teacher Organization, (PTO), who every year sponsors and assist the school to complete a great project.
  • Purchase and install about thirty new computer equipment and interactive boards. Purchase new microscopes for our labs.
  • Replace many of the school furniture and classroom curtains

These projects are on top of the normal maintenance work load of the summer, e.g. completing  more than two hundred specific work requests from the teaching staff regarding painting, repairing  and cleaning.  

Finally, our gratitude to the architect Mrs. Paulin Apostolides, an ͵ÅÄйÃÜ  Athens parent, who again volunteered her services to helped us with the design and implementation of some of the above projects.

Steve Kakaris

Director of Finance