Registration & Cancelation Policy

Registration for the Math Circles Program opens on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 and the registration deadline is set on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

Please log into Skyward using your Family access account to register via Arena Scheduling.


Please note that at least 6 students are needed for a section to run on a given weekday afternoon.


Registration during the Semester (after the start of the activities) will be allowed based on availability:

  • If registration for the activity takes place before 50% of the total sessions are completed, then the family will have to pay the whole fee (100%).
  • If registration for the activity takes place after 50% of the total sessions are completed, then the family will have to pay half the fee (50%).

Cancelation Policy

  • If a student wishes to withdraw from an activity before the second session, then the family can receive 100% of the activity fee in credit for another activity.
  • If a student wishes to withdraw from an activity after the second session and before 50% of the total sessions are completed, then the family can receive 50% of the activity fee in credit for another activity.
  • No credit will be offered If a student wishes to withdraw from an activity after 50% of the total sessions are completed (except in the case of an injury or illness resulting in absence of three weeks or more).