Vasilakou, Athina, Faculty, Mathematics

Ms. Vasilakou graduated from the University of Crete with a Bachelor’s in Pure Mathematics in 2008. The following year, she earned a Master’s in Environmental Management from Royal Holloway, University of London. Her thesis focused on air pollutants impacting climate and health. After her MSc, she secured an internship at the Royal Geographical Society in London, leading to a permanent position. There, she collaborated with schools, researchers, and explorers globally, gaining invaluable insights into a prestigious educational body.
Her passion for mathematics though led her to pursue a career as a secondary school teacher, earning a Postgraduate Degree in Education from Goldsmiths, University of London, in 2014. She began teaching secondary mathematics in a public school in London, earning multiple accreditations, including Lead Practitioner for Mathematics. Over 10 years working in the British system, she developed a strong interest in assessment and innovative teaching and was appointed the role of Assistant Curriculum Leader for mathematics as well as the specialist role of A level Coordinator.
Driven by her passion for innovation and technology, Ms. Vasilakou led the UK in Erasmus Projects, collaborating with schools in Sweden, Romania, Finland, and France on integrating Programming into Mathematics classrooms. She also organized student competitions like the UK Maths Challenge and the Mathematical Olympiad for girls.
This year, Ms. Vasilakou looks forward to inspiring her students and colleagues as she teaches Pre-Algebra in Grade 7 and Algebra 1 in Grade 8, continuing her mission to explore and share the beauty of Mathematics.