Vardaros, Maria, Faculty, English Language Arts

Maria Vardaros graduated Magna Cum Laude from CUNY Queens College with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Summa Cum Laude with a Master's Degree in English Literature, focusing her thesis on physical and psychological displacement within 21st-century world literature. While she studied, she began to work for the New York Board of Education as a teachers aid for grades K-5th grade and later on became a substitute teacher throughout the boroughs of New York for Middle School and High School ELA. Maria Vardaros discovered her love for teaching and continued her studies to obtain a Master's Degree in Secondary Education Youth Services, which also allowed her to obtain her teaching certificate from the New York Board of Education. Whilst studying and working as an English teacher for middle and high school with a diverse group of students, she attended several seminars and professional development workshops such as DASA, EAS, and TESOL. Maria Vardaros has also worked with an education platform based in China, where she taught English to students between the ages of 4-10 for over two years on a virtual platform.

Maria Vardaros is a Greek-American who has been enrolled in both the American and the Greek Education system and has a great passion for English, Greek, and world literature. Due to her love of literature, she has traveled to over 20 European countries, 29 US states and a part of Asia in order to explore the world and understand the different cultures and facets of society and education. Her aspirations are to travel to the rest of the world and acquire knowledge that can be passed on to her students.

This is Ms. Vardaros third year at ͵ÅÄйÃÜ, and looks forward to teaching and creating a safe space for all her students to learn and excel but also motivate them to become caring, accepting, and respectful human beings who will be active members of their society and transform the world.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
