Rules & Procedures
- An ͵ÅÄйÃÜ student may participate in one athletic activity at a time per season. However, if two seasons overlap by a short amount of time, an athlete (with permission from coaches involved) may participate in two sports.
- The use and possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is prohibited on school grounds as well as in the close vicinity of the school. VIOLATION: In the event an athlete fails to comply with the policy regarding tobacco, alcohol, and drug use and possession, the athlete will be denied the privilege of participating. The student in violation, following a review of the incident, will be removed from the team.
- Any Conduct Infractions or behavioral misconduct during a school day or school events (on campus and off campus) may have an impact on a student-athlete's participation in the current season.
- All equipment and uniforms issued to athletes are the property of ͵ÅÄйÃÜ. They are to be returned in good condition. Uniforms should be worn only during appropriate team events – not during practices. Loss or destruction of any equipment or uniform is the athlete’s financial obligation. The athlete will pay a replacement fee of € 25 for a uniform and € 40 for a school sweatsuit.
- All students will travel, respecting the travel dress code. This consists of an ͵ÅÄйÃÜ Hooded Sweatshirt (for a fall/winter sport), an ͵ÅÄйÃÜ polo shirt (for a spring sport), and denim pants. If the team has ordered their own sweatshirt, they can travel with it and don’t need to purchase an ͵ÅÄйÃÜ sweatshirt. Coaches will also have to travel wearing ͵ÅÄйÃÜ coaching attire.
- When participating in an “away” game or when there is a need to go to the airport, participants must ride in school-provided transportation. In no case will permission be given to ride otherwise without prior consent of the coach and the Director of Athletics.
- Students must attend school to participate in athletic activities. Athletes who are absent from school may not practice or play in an event that day. Two blocks in a day are the minimum time for a student to be considered present. Friday presence is required for weekend participation. Excused absences need to be brought to the coaches' and/or the athletic director’s attention.
- Students failing to complete a season will not be eligible for recognition. This includes participation certificate, letter, team and department awards. Students who quit a team for no legitimate reason may not be allowed to participate in any other sports during the year.
- Athletes representing ͵ÅÄйÃÜ in conference tournaments are expected to follow all rules, guidelines and policies stated in the conference rules and guidelines. Forms need to be signed before participation. Athletes on a trip who violate the rules may be sent home immediately following the incident at the expense of the family.
- ALL students traveling for competitions must meet the requirements for Academic eligibility; IF the student eligibility status changes AFTER the purchase of tickets, the student is responsible for the cost and a refund is not possible (see travel section for timeline of purchase).
- All students must submit the online tryout form prior to the first day of tryouts.
- A yearly physical examination is required for all athletes. The athletes may pick up a form from the school’s nurse’s office or bring in a different one as long as it is an official document signed by a medical doctor.
- All athletes and parents are required to read the Athletic Handbook. This is imperative for the student-athletes’ participation in the Athletics program
- Once the teams are determined, a meeting will take place for all student-athletes where the coach and the Athletic Director will provide important information.