Athletic Eligibility
͵ÅÄйÃÜ Team Eligibility
Any ͵ÅÄйÃÜ student in 7th-10th grade who fulfills academic requirements and is under the age of 16 years during the season is eligible for junior varsity competition.
Any ͵ÅÄйÃÜ student in 9th-12th grade who fulfills academic requirements is eligible for varsity participation.
Any ͵ÅÄйÃÜ student in 6th-8th grade who fulfills academic requirements is eligible for middle school sport participation.
An ͵ÅÄйÃÜ student may participate in one athletic activity at a time per season.
Academic Eligibility
Ineligibility to participate in co-curricular and athletic activities happens when a student is not performing to the best of his or her academic ability. Students wishing to participate in athletic activities must meet ͵ÅÄйÃÜ eligibility requirements (as per building academic handbooks).
- After four weeks of the first quarter, progress reports are issued and an eligibility check will be made. Students who are found to be in danger of receiving a D or below in more than two classes may be asked to submit weekly academic progress reports to the counselor.
- The report card issued at the end of the first quarter will determine eligibility for winter sports. A student who fails more than one subject, or receives two D’s or more and an F at the end of any semester, is placed on Academic Probation for the next semester. Students on Academic Probation may be ineligible for participation in any co-curricular activities, including field trips and athletics. A student on Academic Probation may become eligible at mid-semester if mid-semester grade reports indicate that the student meets eligibility requirements.
- In addition, ineligible students are expected to leave campus at 3:45 pm each day (unless assigned to a study group) in order to devote their afternoons to improving their grades. Ineligible students who wish to remain on campus after school in order to seek extra academic help must set an appointment with their teacher and have the attendance officer notify their parents of the appointment.
- Students who receive three or more D’s, two D’s & one F, or two or more F’s at the end of the third quarter will not be allowed to participate in any co-curricular activities, including extended field trips, for the remainder of the school year, and they are expected to leave campus at 3:45 pm each day. If already on a team, the student will be allowed to continue subject to creating a detailed plan of action for improving academic performance with the assistance and approval of the counselor(s).
- Notification is sent home to the parents of these students indicating their ineligibility status. Ineligible students who wish to remain on campus after school in order to seek extra academic help must set an appointment with their teacher and have the attendance officer notify their parents of the appointment.