Welcome to ͵ÅÄйÃÜ

Welcome ͵ÅÄйÃÜ families and friends to the 2023-2024 academic year. It is truly gratifying to be working with such outstanding leaders and faculty towards a joint venture of educating the world’s most valued citizens; the young citizens and leaders of tomorrow. ͵ÅÄйÃÜ is an educational institution positioned to transform those who enter this campus; guiding students to become the best versions of themselves is our ultimate goal.
As we navigate the instructional environment, students are at the center of the institution which means that the unique characteristics, learning styles, and talents of students are considered, stimulated, and encouraged. The faculty and administration are the pillars of the institution and work daily and directly with students to ensure that the learning environment fosters belonging, responsibility, and academic excellence. Thus, supporting effective teaching methodology, a strong curriculum, innovative programs and opportunities for creativity and growth are a primary commitment.
My work in psychology internationally continues to serve as a gentle reminder that mental health is vital as today’s challenges are numerous. The multiple, unwavering, and accelerated changes that take place on a daily basis can leave one depleted of energy and lacking in meaningful living. Thus, I am particularly committed to guiding students to not only develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed and thrive in a competitive world, but to do so while being resilient and mentally and physically healthy. Additionally, empowering students to be part of the solution in local and global issues as conscious, responsible citizens who aim to improve life and living on the planet through their work and their way of being is a school wide commitment.
Innovative projects in science, math, entrepreneurship and the arts, foster international-mindedness and support our belief that learning is a lifelong process. Ongoing collaborations with universities, educational institutions, businesses, and leadership groups across the globe allow us to contribute to current educational trends and support meaningful dialogue between secondary and higher education. The most important partners in our endeavor, however, are parents. United we can best help our students achieve their goals.
The academic year ahead finds us prepared within continued uncertainty; prepared to move, pivot, change, and work it out just as leaders and educators across the world are doing. I am confident that the care and commitment of our stakeholders will lead this institution to further successes and noteworthy experiences because We are ͵ÅÄйÃÜ, committed to guiding students achieve their goals and transform the world!
Best wishes for a safe, healthy, and successful year.