Full-time Youth-to-Youth program

The full-time program, started in September 2018, offers 18 unaccompanied minors full scholarship for one academic school year thanks to the scholarships offered by the Shapiro Foundation in collaboration with the Home Project Organization.

The program is designed to provide and develop academic learning, social integration, and wellness. Starting with two cohorts attending a needs-designed curriculum per subject, and skills development per subject, students are guided, depending on their readiness to gradually exit the cohort and take regular ͵ÅÄйÃÜ courses.  Youth to Youth faculty follow the Youth-to-Youth teaching methodology implemented by ͵ÅÄйÃÜ faculty and students in the Part-time Youth-to-Youth Program.

This gradual inclusion model with front-loaded accelerated learning helped students with limited prior school experience to advance quickly.

Students, depending on prior schooling, are enrolled in Grade 9 following a curriculum adapted to their needs. The curriculum includes the following courses.

All courses follow a combination of formative and summative assessments which include semester exams.

All students follow their Moodle® course management system as well as their progress on Skyward® student management system. Home Project professionals are also trained to follow both Moodle and Skyward in order to support and monitor the students in keeping up with their school work.

The full-time Youth-to-Youth program students are encouraged to participate in school clubs and athletic activities. Students take part in all school celebrations and assemblies and have developed friendships with ͵ÅÄйÃÜ students.

In order to best support the students, HOME Project psychologists regularly consult with the ͵ÅÄйÃÜ faculty involved in the program.